The current issue will be published on 6th January 2022 Welcome to Research Hub International Peer-Reviewed/Refereed E-Journal...
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  • The current issue will be published on 6th January 2022
    Welcome to Research Hub International Peer-Reviewed/Refereed E-Journal...
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Skylark International Publication
38, Mitranagar, Manewada
Cement Road, Nagpur -27
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Welcome to Research Hub

'Research Hub’ is an International Peer-Reviewed Multi-disciplinary e-journal which promotes quality research in the field of higher education. The journal is published quarterly every year in the month of January, April, July & October respectively. Being an international journal, it focuses on the educational, social, economical, political, historical, environmental & scientific issues which badly require scholarly platform to be addressed and ensure the quality of research at global level. The journal follows all research related ethics and does not compromise the quality in research at any cost. Research friendly mechanism has been set up and all research papers are sent to the UGC recognized centers for checking the plagiarism. The research papers having less than 15 % plagiarism are published in the journal. The editorial and peer-review committee scrutinize all research papers meticulously. The quality research papers having less than 15 % plagiarism are recommended for publication and the research papers having more thant 15% plagiarism are sent back for necessary changes.

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Dr. Anil Dodewar

Assistant Professor in English
Plot No. 38, Mitranagar, Manewada Cement Road, Nagpur-27
Email :
Mobile No. : 7588776907