For publishing research paper, contact Dr, Ramnik Lengure (9420869043) or Dr. Sunil Jadhav (9107042626) The next Issue of this journal will be published in April-2025 Volume-4 : Issue-3 of Library Scholar International Journal has been published in December-2024
Previous Special Issues Published
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  • For publishing research paper, contact Dr, Ramnik Lengure (9420869043) or Dr. Sunil Jadhav (9107042626)
    The next Issue of this journal will be published in April-2025
    Volume-4 : Issue-3 of Library Scholar International Journal has been published in December-2024
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Skylark International Publication
38, Mitranagar, Manewada
Cement Road, Nagpur -27
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Welcome to Library Scholar International Journal

'Library Scholar' is an online International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Library Science which intends quality research in the field of Higher Education. The journal is published twice in a year in the month of August & February respectively. Being an international journal of Library Science, it focuses on the Information Science related issues which badly require scholarly platform to be addressed in India and abroad. The journal follows all research related ethics and does not compromise the quality of research at any cost. Research friendly mechanism has been set up and all research papers are sent to the UGC recognized centers for checking the plagiarism. The editorial board scrutinizes all research papers meticulously and papers having less than 20% plagiarism get qualified to be published in the journal after successful peer-review.

Skylark International Publication is an independent registered entity that owns its own database namely Research Hub. The office of Skylark International Publication is situated at Plot No. 38, Mitranagar, Manewada Cement Road, Nagpur-27


Title                             Library Scholar International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Library Science
Journal Website
Frequency                  Bi-Annual
ISSN                           2583-2549
Publisher                   Skylark International Publication, Nagpur
Publisher Website
Address                      Skylark International Publication, 38, Mitranagar, Manewada, Nagpur-27
Chief-Editor                Dr. Ramanik Lengure & Dr. Anil Dodewar
Starting Year               2021
Subject                        Library Science
Language                    Multiple Language
Publication                  Online
Phone No.                   09420869043
Email Id             

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Dr. Ramanik Lengure

Librarian & Research Associate
Renuka College, Nr Bank of India, Besa, Nagpur-37


Dr. Anil Dodewar

Assistant Professor in English
Mahila Mahavidyalaya, 152, Nandanvan, Nagpur-09